4 my summer holiday i havent done much all i have done is go to london and not do much i wanna be back at school i know that sounds bad but im bored lol
my friends r neally everyone in my class 5ac and most of the people in 5ns the other year five class. my teacher is miss clarke her first name is Angela my maths teacher is miss sadaq i dont know her firs name lol.
luv ya bye
Saturday, 8 May 2010
hey everyone this is me out with three of my friends in mc donals after we went to watch alvin and the chip monkes 2 for my b day it was the day after my party thats kacie, keely, me and amal it was so fun
hey this is me when i went to my friends party i had to dress like a funky pop princess like the pic its so lol i look so ugly we were messing about love you
hey once when i was filming and i was a zoo keeper for a week i was held a pythin i also held a hedghog and fed animals was a vet to animals and found things out about animals alot of other people dont know.